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6 of the Best Oracle Card Decks – Find The Right Oracle Cards for You!

In the last few years, there has been a boom in the purchase and creation of oracle card decks which has made it quite confusing trying to find a deck which suits your needs. Oracle cards, tarot cards, angel cards, magical faery decks…the list goes on!

Should you get angel cards or tarot cards? What is the difference? And which type of tarot or angel cards should you get?

Being a bit of an oracle card fanatic myself, here I have compiled a list of my favourite decks to help cut your confusion and assist you in finding the right deck for you.

Many of these decks I have been using for years and have had some incredible experiences with! I have to admit though, I do have an eye for a pretty deck of oracle cards and I don’t really resonate with oracle cards that aren’t somewhat beautiful.

That being said, it is not just the imagery which is important and it is not what I specifically base my – I guess you could say – oracle card choices on. I believe when choosing an oracle card deck you have to consider:

  • The energy of the cards.
  • What kind of problems they can offer guidance on.
  • And what deities, spiritual beings or angels they connect you with.

Does their theme or focus resonate with you? Would they assist you in your spiritual practices? These are the questions that you need to ask yourself before purchasing a set of oracle cards.

Disclaimer: this post may contain affiliate links which means if you buy a product from some of the links in this post I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. However, I only ever feature products that have been tried and tested by myself and received the Small Ripples seal of approval!

Oracle cards and Tarot cards are used as a type of divination. This means they are either used to reveal something about the future or shed light on something that would not be known by any other way.

This is done by shuffling the cards and placing a select few in what is known as a ‘spread’ where each card’s position has a particular meaning. The most frequently used spread is probably a past, present, future spread which is done by selecting three cards which each tell you something about your past, present or future.

Oracle & Tarot Spread Guides and Journaling Sheets

However, there are all different types of spreads that you can do! There are ones for love, guidance, your current path, the list goes on. You can even create your own spreads. Take a look at my Oracle & Tarot Spread Guides and Journaling Sheets printable for different spreads and for a deeper look into your readings. It even comes with a Tarot Cheat Sheet with all the meanings of the major and minor arcana.

Get 15% off with the code BLOG15.

Get the Oracle & Tarot Card Spread Guides and Journaling Sheets Printable

Record your oracle card readings and discover how they are guiding you! Use code BlOG15 for 15% off.

Going back to oracle cards…

I personally believe that Oracle cards are a wonderful way to receive guidance from what I like to call ‘the Divine’ – the mystical and all loving consciousness that is responsible for the creation of ‘all that is’ and is continually guiding us to our highest path.

So often, we will receive messages in our readings and it can be a wonderful tool for the Divine, angels or our guides to communicate messages to us that we may not be able to hear. It is just a matter of being able to spot the messages and act upon the guidance that is given to us!

It is also not uncommon for you to later see signs that further validate these messages and signs. This could be something someone says or could be something as mundane as an image you see in an ad. After you do a reading, keep an eye out for signs that help to clarify the messages you received in your reading.

So without further ado, here are 6 of my favourite oracle card decks…

6 Must-Have Oracle Card Decks

1. Healing with the angels by Doreen Virtue

Healing With The Angels

The focus of this 44-card deck is how to heal all the areas of your life with loving guidance from your angels. Each card is designed to help illuminate and give guidance on a particular issue in your life. There are cards relating to soulmates, romance, education, dreams, health, healing, as well as cards that offer particular messages such as ‘Divine Timing’,’Balance’ and ‘Forgiveness’.

Each card has a one word message printed on the front along with a beautiful classical art image. These cards are definitely very eye-pleasing!

This deck is a very special one for me as it helped me predict the coming of my daughter Aria before I knew I was pregnant. It was also just before doing that reading that I had a magical experience with angels where I felt their loving presence in my room. Again, I strongly believe this was linked to Aria’s arrival as a soul as it happened a day before I did the reading that revealed my pregnancy. 

The Healing With The Angels deck is a wonderful deck for anyone who is looking to deepen their connection with their own personal angels and guides. It is also the perfect deck for someone who is aiming to heal certain aspects of their life or is interested in healing in general. 

Get it here.

2. Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck by Matt Hughes

Etheral Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck

In my opinion, The Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck is the best tarot deck I have ever found! For me what is really important about a Tarot deck is that it remains high vibrational despite some of the more shadowy-type cards like ‘The Devil’ or ‘Death’. I have often found with Tarot cards that they can become quite spooky if they are not balanced with brighter and lighter imagery. I always believe that we need to be careful of what energies we draw to us.

I also love how this deck has interpreted the archetypes of a traditional tarot deck. You will see on the ‘The Empress’ card (pictured) she is surrounded by the abundance of nature with a crown of stars as she is in the traditional Ride-Waite decks. You will also find on ‘The High Priestess’ card (which is on the cover of the box) it features a triple moon image which corresponds with the traditional meaning of this card being a signifier of divine feminine energy. The triple moon is another well-known symbol of the Divine Feminine.

The deck contains 80 cards rather than the traditional 78 cards that most tarot decks have. This is because within the major arcana, the creator Matt Hughes, has added 2 extra cards: ‘The Well’ and ‘The Artist’. Both of these cards have their own unique meanings and make wonderful additions to the traditional tarot.

This deck is perfect for someone who is looking for tarot cards that have positive and beautiful imagery and is firmly rooted in ‘Light energies’.

Get it here.

3. Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman

alt= 'Archangel Fire Oracle Deck flat lay with crystals'

If you are looking for an oracle deck that helps you to get to know the Divine order of the Archangels, The Archangel Fire Oracle is the deck for you! Created by the beautiful Alexandra Wenman, who is herself an earth angel, this deck contains everything you need to connect with the angelic realms and to help you invite the archangels into your life.

I have been working with this deck for a few months now and have found it to be incredibly high vibrational and powerful! For not only does it offer information on the angelic kingdom, but offers an insight into all the workings of the heavenly dimensions.

The deck is split up and arranged by different healing colour rays or sacred flames. Each archangel belongs to a different ray.

alt="archangel oracle guidebook"

This is so much more than an oracle deck! Not only does the deck contain cards with beautiful artwork, but also contains a comprehensive guidebook which could almost be sold as a stand-alone book.

As well as detailing the meaning of each card, the guidebook deals with every archangel, their qualities, their role in the order of the universe and how you can meet each one. It also shares various meditations and ceremonies you can do as well as what crystals, essential oils and chakras are associated with each set of archangels.

These cards are perfect for someone who is hoping to deepen their relationship with the archangels and get to know ones they may not have heard of before. It is also a wonderful deck for someone who wishes to raise their vibration and invite more angelic and Divine energy into their life.

Get the deck here.

3. The Wisdom Of Avalon by Colette Baron-Reid

Ah Avalon! Is there a place in the world that is more sacred or mystical? Inspired by the mythical Isle of Avalon (which was believed to exist in ancient Britain in the area known as Glastonbury, Somerset), these cards will help direct you on your path using animal, mythical and elemental archetypes.

The deck is split up into various sections. There are The Messengers of Avalon which feature figures such as ‘The Merlin’ and ‘The High Priestess’ (they could almost be compared to The Hierophant and The High Priestess of a traditional tarot deck).Then there are The Animal Guides of Avalon offering their earthy wisdom, The Guides of Faery with their ethereal magic as well as The Sacred Journey Markers which help give guidance on life matters.

These cards beautifully communicate the Celtic wisdom which the myths of Avalon centre around. They help you to see life as a journey with the characters displayed on these cards acting as the messengers and guides which will help you along your way. 

These cards are perfect for someone who is interested in the mythology of ancient Britain, magic and wishes to connect with the elemental realms. Or if you are like me, share a fascination and connection with Avalon and Glastonbury!

Get it here.

5. Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

“We all come from the Goddess and to her we shall return” – a line from one of my favourite ‘circle songs’ (songs to sing during a goddess or spiritual circle) for it perfectly represents the cycle of life.

Veneration of the Goddess has existed for millennia and it is at this time that we are starting to see a return of Divine Feminine principles back into our society. People are returning to the Goddess in search of wisdom and guidance and she has answered!

The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards make a perfect introduction to working with goddesses and to connecting with Divine Feminine energy. The cards each feature a different goddess from around the globe – from ancient civilisations to goddesses that are still worshipped today in some cultures.

As you can see from the picture above, each card contains a message from the goddess represented on the card and an overall message such as ‘compassion’ or ‘independence’. The deck contains 44 cards.

These cards are perfect for anyone who is hoping to learn about the different goddesses and connect with Divine Feminine energy.

Get the deck here.

6. Past Life Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue & Brian L. Weiss

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Have you ever wondered what your past lives may have been? Have you ever met someone and felt a strong sense of familiarity with them? Did you know them from a past life and if so where and when was this past life? Well the Past Life Oracle deck will help you answer these exact questions.

This deck contains cards that represent ancient civilisations, different countries as well as historical archetypes such as High Priest and Priestess. There are also cards that represent things that may have taken place in a past life such as ‘marriage’ as well familial relationships.

The purpose of this deck is to allow you to discover what kind of past lives you had and whether issues or situations you are experiencing in your current life are related to events that occurred in a past one.

The easiest way to use the cards are to ask questions like:

  • What past life is causing me issues right now in my current life?
  • Does the situation I am experiencing right now have any relationship to a past life?
  • What relationship did I share with this person in a past life?

The cards should provide answers to these questions. Just pay close attention to what kind of cards come up and what themes or messages they communicate to you. Once you understand what the cards are trying to tell you, then you are able to break any unhealthy patterns or cycles that you have been carrying through your various lives.

This deck is perfect for someone who is hoping to illuminate the mystery of their past lives and to get the bottom of any issues that they are currently experiencing which may be connected to another life time.

Get the deck here.

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